Seems like I've been walking in circles for weeks
Circles in the pink and purple house where's the duct tape where's the sharpie why am i up here why am i down here there's so much to do
And now circles in the new house where's that extension cord which box has the napkins mom where's the iPad charger where are my danskos why am i up here why am i down here there's so much to do
Right now it's where's the incense? ssshh... the kids are sleeping
lesson #1
to avoid the circles label the damn boxes
caveat to lesson #1
if you're not gonna label the boxes unpack them and put the damn stuff away
I know the incense is here somewhere cause I've been burning it to mask the smell of cat pee.
All the neighborhood cats apparently have found a way in to the basement and made it their Gaza Strip.
They pee on top of pee to claim the area as their own.
I turn on the heat forced hot air and the whole house smells like cat pee
Well the Dusty dog is here now and the cats are staying away.
the Universe Is Abundant
I drive in circles now that our home is on the other side of town and most of the time when I'm in the car 147 things are going on in my head and I'm on autopilot and realize I'm heading to the pink and purple house instead of the round window house
i'll post picts tomorrow ms. moon i promise
lesson #2
to avoid circles pay attention while behind the wheel
I drove Jack all the way to the city on Tuesday for an appointment scheduled six weeks ago with a specialist who is not covered by my shitty health insurance that I pay a thousand dollars a month for but doesn't cover ANYTHING my kids truly need the best therapist around sorry out of network no reimbursement the only surgeon in the fucking state who will fix jack's ribcage with a brace rather than surgery sorry if it's not compromising his heart or his lungs it's considered cosmetic. fuck you health insurance he's a thirteen year old boy whose ribcage is growing funny and it's gonna keep growing funny don't fucking tell me its cosmetic
oh. right. circles. sorry.
So we got to the Children's Hospital my how things have changed since my school days here and the nice secretary tells me she called twice to let me know the appointment had been cancelled because of Passover didn't you get the message?
Anyone who knows me in real life knows I do not answer my phone.
I don't like talking on the phone i text and I certainly don't answer the home phone.
There are routinely a dozen messages blinking away that the babysitter or the kids check and I just ignore.
Apparently two of those messages would have informed me I did not need to pull Jack out of school and drive in a 140 mile circle to the city on Tuesday. But since I do not check my messages I drove that big circle.
I chalk it up to 3 hours of alone time with Jack not a bad thing at all.
I still haven't checked the 9 messages blinking on the home phone since it was connected on Monday wonder what other important messages are there...
lesson #3
to avoid the circles check the messages
So up I am at 2:30 a.m. 'cause I was too hot. I read the electric blanket control upside down and thought it was on L for low but it was really 7 which is damn hot and the dog had me pinned in my new bed which is making me all achey so I'm going to drive in a circle tomorrow and upgrade to the stoopid expensive mattress I wanted in the first place
But for the first time in YEARS I have my bed to myself.
Ty and Mia are feeling comfy and safe in their new beds in their new bedrooms in the new house and I am no longer a squashed sardine in a bed with two kids two cats and the dog.
the Universe Is Abundant
lesson #4
to avoid circles buy the thing that you REALLY want if you can afford it
caveat: especially if it's something important that you may have for the rest of your life.
like a bed or a car or a house
So I woke up hot and thirsty with my brain going in circles with all the stuff I need to get done and the smell of last night's tacos in the air yuck
I got up to light some incense and walked up down and around this big old house unable to find the incense but I did find the computer.
all is not lost
Like I said the Universe Is Abundant