It's Friday already
wow that was fast
Voila is that how you spell it? A donate button on my sidebar. Not sure if it's working. It would be just like me to sweat and grunt over getting it up there and spaz out somewhere along the line.
Never fear. I'll figure it out.
If anyone is having trouble with it, let me know.
In the mean time, if you don't yet know about Kim, and are interested, go here. I sent her an email yesterday with a link to the post. I'm so excited to be able to help her out with the amazing work she's doing. I'm going to forward some of the emails I've received from you all. It truly is an astounding thing. I LOVE ALL YOU BLOGGY ANGELS.
Jack had his first track meet this week. He joined JV track and competes in the long jump and the 800 meter. As I've said before, he's a pipsqueak. Tiny. All the other kids tower over him. Especially the girls. He was nervous and not satisfied with his performance in the long jump. 11 ft sounds like a lot for a kid who's not yet 5 ft to jump. But what do I know?
The 800 meter was one of the last events. Jack was the only one from his school competing. The other team had one boy and 4 girls competing. The girls towered over Jack by almost a foot. Seriously. He looks across the track at me and mouths i. am. so. screwed. The gun goes off and off goes Jack. I thought he's never gonna be able to keep up that pace. Running like it's a 50 yard sprint. Well, let me tell you. He kept up that pace. Two laps around the track. Sheer determination.
He came in 1st place.
Then he threw up.
But it was only a little bit and he did it in such a Cool Jack Ima Trackstar Rockstar way he wasn't even embarrassed.
Bruce is listening to The Omnivore's Dilemma while he drives to work everyday. Which means every morning at just about 10, I get a call and hear his Food Rant of the Day.
Chica, did you know that.... high fructose corn syrup
Chica, did you know that.... vegetarian ethics animal rights
Chica, did you know that.... food miles + ecologic footprint
He must have been humoring me for the last 3 years when the same rants were coming out of my mouth
At 8:50 this morning I walked out the door with my yoga mat strapped to my back all ready for class and realized the dog was gone.
Damn dog
So much for class
I called for him. I'm sure I looked and sounded like a lunatic on my front porch.
The lady across the street said I've been sitting out here a while and I haven't seen him.
I text Shannon
walking out the door all ready for class and realize the dog is missing. Kids left the gate open. Shoot me
who is this? God Bless
It's michelle. Aye aye aye
michelle who? God Bless
The crazy michelle. Mia's mom. Do I have the wrong #?
I think so lol God Bless
Sorry! Have a good day
lol u2 text me anytime u sound like a nice person God Bless
At about 9:20 Dumbass Dusty came trotting up the sidewalk. So glad he didn't get squished like a grape. God Bless
So the antibiotics took care of my bloody marshmallow sore throat, but gave me a lovely yeast infection. TMI? just keeping it real
Anyhoo. The other day Mia and I were on our way to the health food store and I said honey remind me I need soy creamer for coffee and stuff for yeast.
yeast? what's yeast?
So I have a bonding moment with my daughter and explain, in a completely age appropriate way, yeast infections. charming
mommy. I can't remember that word. It's a weird word. tell me about it
OK honey. Just remind me that I need stuff for my vagina and stuff for my coffee.
I figured she'd remember THAT.
And she did.
Happy Happy Friday!