***OK. So today we had our first swim day. Astounding, inasmuch as it's the end of July. But between Maine, work, and the horrendous weather, well...
We had a great time. Lots of sun, water, and sand.
In fact, Mia had a whole mess 'o fun creating a Mia sand creation.
I looked...
what the???...
Mia, honey, what is that?
Sand castles... and a pool. like, it's so obvious mommy
Right. How could I see anything other than sand castles and a pool??
is it me, or do you see big nippled boobies too?
or, I dunno, maybe an obscene representation of male genitalia?
and that hole at the bottom?
what is that?
my mind is in the gutter
***So, as we're getting into the car to catch a movie, I notice that Mia's hands are covered in mud. Up to her elbows. I also notice that Ty's entire back and butt are wet and muddy.
Ty, you're covered in mud... where were you playing?
In the mud good answer
After the movie, they keep asking me to come see their sculpture. I so don't put 2 and 2 together. I notice Mia's tossing a ball of mud back and forth in her hands.
mommy, come... it's outside, mommy.
Mia walks me down the block. I figure we'll be rounding the corner, and their sculpture is in the park. She stops in front of the sewer. I see little piles of mud edging the sewer grate. Are you kidding me? I can just imagine the two of them squatting in the street playing in sewer mud, for all the neighbors to see. Yuck
***So all evening Mia has been complaining that her butt itches. She eats like 3 lbs of fruit a day and poops like a man. I keep going back into the bathroom to wipe her itchy butt and she keeps complaining that it still itches. Finally, she's in tears. So I take a REALLY good look. Pinworms. Before I can check myself, the word POPS out of my mouth. Poor Mia gets a horrified look on her face and bursts into tears. I remove the offending worm and she immediately feels better. If you've never had the pleasure of viewing pinworms in your kid's butt, they're tiny white threadlike wormy things that itch like crazy. Yuck.
Lucky for me us, Ty had pinworms 3 years ago. also in 1st grade... hmmm... I sure did stock up on those anti-pinworm chewables. Back then, I made everyone in the family chew away just in case. Well, no way was I gonna get caught with my pants down again so to speak. She's all better now.
***So Jack comes home from Tae Kwon Do, and plops down on the couch with Ty & Mia who are watching PBS Kids. Jack says I miss being 4. Just hanging out and chillin with Clifford.
A nostalgic moment for my almost 12 year old.
***If it sounds like my kids are a bunch of dirty fingernailed, dirty minded, unsanitary, unchaperoned, dirt, dirty, dirty kids... well... they are.
Friday Fragments courtesy of
Mrs. 4444 @ Half Past Kissin' Time
Friday Freewrites courtesy of
Sara @ Ordinary and Awesome
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